Foreign Capital Companies Experts

Only those who have experience and technical competence can offer the best for your business.

Schedule an interview with an expert now and learn more about how Zanini Auditoria can help your company in the accounting, tax, personal and corporate areas.

Talk to our experts

Why is Zanini an expert?

Zanini Auditoria has been active in the market since 1980.

In all these years we have served hundreds of clients in multiple segments, but the Foreign Capital Companies segment in particular is our area of expertise, where we have had several success stories in our company.

We particularly understand the challenges of organizations recently arriving or already operating in Brazil and act by contributing to the growth and development of companies seeking outsourced services.

The Advantages of Outsourcing:

  • Unconcern with employee turnover;
  • Unconcern with the proper sizing of your team;
  • Unconcern with the training and updating of your team;
  • Unconcern with the risks of accounting and tax activities.

In addition, we know the needs of reports for the headquarters outside Brazil and we contribute by streamlining and improving communication with the department in charge, even in a foreign language. We collaborate on system technology integrations such as SAP and TOVS.


You will have at your side an office prepared and secure of its actions. Count on us as a long-term partner.


More than giving you what you need, Zanini Auditoria works by your side ensuring that everything comes out as your company wants.


We understand the importance and need to meet deadlines, especially when it comes to international reports.


Only those who know and operate in Foreign Capital Companies market can guarantee that everything will run smoothly.

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